
Artificial intelligence patent case law walkthrough

Basic groundwork today. We’re going through 10 EPO Board of Appeal decisions which relate to AI inventions. Topics include technical character, clarity, obviousness and sufficiency of disclosure.

Patenting AI in the EPO guidelines

Welcome to the very first episode of the podcast! As we go through the section on AI and machine learning in the examination guidelines, I’ll tell you why the EPO’s current approach is too restrictive when it comes to patenting AI...

Patent infringement in the cloud

My partner Peter Hess and I wrote an article for cloudmagazin about patent infringement in the cloud and what cloud providers do to help their customers stay safe.

If you can read German, you can check out the article on

Goodbye K’s Law, hello ebook!

Readers of my scrapbook will most probably also follow Oliver Randl’s K’s Law, a great blog featuring an almost daily extract from a decision of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO. Fortunately, Oliver has recently been appointed technical member of a...

Perspektive Patentanwalt — ein Erfahrungsbericht

Dies ist ein Abdruck meines Buchbeitrags zu “Perspektive Patentanwalt 2010: Herausforderungen zwischen Technologie und Recht. Berufsbild, Ausbildung, Einstieg, Karrierewege” (, 3. Auflage, Januar 2010). Während meines Informatikstudiums...