Goodbye K’s Law, hello ebook!

Readers of my scrapbook will most probably also follow Oliver Randl’s K’s Law, a great blog featuring an almost daily extract from a decision of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO.

Fortunately, Oliver has recently been appointed technical member of a Board of Appeal, though this means that his blog will no longer be continued. Oliver’s achievement in case law blogging is remarkable, as K’s Law includes a total of 1,387 articles with round about one discussed decision per day since 14 September 2009.

To make sure that this valuable resource does not get lost, Oliver allowed me to compile all of the blog’s content into a single PDF file which is available for download free of charge.

Note that the file is quite large, since it includes all of the 1,387 posts published on K’s Law between 14 Sep 2009 and 7 Jan 2014.

Here’s the download link:

“K’s Law — The ebook”
(PDF · 3,398 pages · 30MB)

Happy case law reading!