
Artificial intelligence patents at the EPO explained in 15 minutes

The European Patent Office (EPO) has a stable and structured approach to patenting computer-implemented inventions. But how do AI/ML inventions fit in? Find out in this recording of my talk at the National Association of Patent Practitioners (NAPP)...

How to patent cryptocurrency and blockchain technology?

In this video I explain why cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, blockchain, distributed ledger technology, and FinTech in general is so interesting from a patent attorney prespective. I also give examples of what’s patentable and what’s not...

Copyright instead of software patents?

One of the classic questions, which came up once more during an in-house inventor training I was giving the other day. In this video I make the case for software patents and explain why copyright does not protect software inventions at all. Watch on...

How to invalidate a software patent?

In this video I explain that the prior art is no different for a software patent as compared to any other type of patent. But there is one important difference when it comes to the validity of a (European) software patent, namely the slightly...

Can you enforce a software patent?

Many think software patent infringement is difficult or even impossible to detect from the outside. In this video I talk about three ways to make sure your software patent is enforceable. I also explain why the inherent “fuzzyness” of...

Patenting artificial intelligence in Europe in 2021

In May 2021, I had the pleasure of being invited to St. Petersburg again (this time only virtually, though) to talk about the “Patentability of Artificial Intelligence Inventions in Europe”. For me, one advantage of online conferences...

Patents for AI inventions in Europe

I was invited to speak about “Patents for AI inventions in Europe” at the 6th International Conference “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights” in St. Petersburg (Russia). Here’s a recording of my talk. You’ll...

G1/19 first reactions w/ Rudolf Teschemacher and many more

Last week, the Enlarged Board of Appeal finally published its long-awaited decision G1/19 about the patentability of computer simulations. Does it revolutionize the patentability of computer simulations and patents for software in general, as some...

Novelty w/ Patrick Heckeler

An invention has to be novel to be patentable. But does any difference over the prior art do the job (e.g. a purely aesthetic one) or does it have to be technically relevant?  This is a recorded Clubhouse event I hosted with my colleague...